MyPropMan for Property Management Committees

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What Does MyPropMan Do For You?

Professional Property Management is all about doing things in the right order and in the correct way leaving nothing to chance. If this is achieved fully and correctly developments do not only run smoothly and efficiently without major issues, quality of lifestyle as purchased with each property is protected, as is the value of each property.

Self-management of an apartment block, complex or estate is a difficult task especially if you have never done this before or if the development is large, you have to be an accountant and solicitor if the development is going to be managed in line with relevant laws.

This is no longer the case, management committee members can by using MyPropMan self-manage their development, if the development is large this can save thousands of Euros each year therefore allowing for a reduction in communal service charges or the funds can be put into a reserve fund for future projects or long term maintenance.

No Limits To Number Of Units Under Your Management

Using MyPropMan is extremely easy, it is a cloud based communal property management software package which has the ability, by inserting a few key details to calculate everything that is required for the legal communal property management of apartment blocks, complexes and estates in The Republic of Cyprus, and at a touch of a button generate all the legally required paperwork and reports for each owner and for the management committee.
Once a development has been added to MyPropMan, documentation, reports and accounts are extremly easy to keep updated.

Management Via Property Management Companies

If you are going to ask a Property Management Company to assist you with the management of your development you need to understand that the management committee are still legally responsible for the compliancy therefore you need to be assured that the property management company will be using MyPropMan, this will ensure that your responsibilities and liabilities as members of the management committee are safeguarded as everything will be in line with relevant laws.

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Repudiandae rerum velit modi et officia quasi facilis

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Non quod totam minus repellendus autem sint velit. Rerum debitis facere soluta tenetur. Iure molestiae assumenda sunt qui inventore eligendi voluptates nisi at. Dolorem quo tempora. Quia et perferendis.

Consequuntur inventore voluptates consequatur aut vel et. Eos doloribus expedita. Sapiente atque consequatur minima nihil quae aspernatur quo suscipit voluptatem.

Repudiandae rerum velit modi et officia quasi facilis

Laborum omnis voluptates voluptas qui sit aliquam blanditiis. Sapiente minima commodi dolorum non eveniet magni quaerat nemo et.

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Non quod totam minus repellendus autem sint velit. Rerum debitis facere soluta tenetur. Iure molestiae assumenda sunt qui inventore eligendi voluptates nisi at. Dolorem quo tempora. Quia et perferendis.

Key Benefits

Boost efficiency!

It makes your company more efficient by saving you time and money.

Expand your business

It allows you to take on more business without increasing staffing quota

Web based application

It alleviates the need to have in-house computer equipment and software which constantly require updating or maintenance

24/7 Access

You can log into MyPropMan from anywhere in the world therefore you are not tied to the office, all you require is a computer, laptop or tablet and an internet connection


It gives you 100% piece of mind that no information will be lost due to hard drive or other computer issues.

Law Compliance

It allows you without effort to manage developments within the guidelines of present relevant Republic Of Cyprus laws and to produce all required and relevant calculations, accounts and reports.